Wednesday, December 23, 2009

LIW&B Chapter 15 (beginning)

Happy burst through his father's door, arms ready for a triumphant return hug to bring both trembling with tears. Mel groaned in pain and brought his son's attention to his horror. His father was laid out flat on the trailer floor, half in the kitchen with his legs sprawled in the hallway, still and flat as a corpse. Happy screamed and woke the old man from his sickness.

Mel always thought there would be an alarm that would send him scrambling to the doctor. He always thought he would know it was time. A lot of times he had considered going to see a doctor, but now he was glad he hadn't. Mel felt it was news best left unsaid, just another thing about which to worry. The time for alarm had passed, changed over to a time for acceptance.

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