Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bitching instead of working

There's a lot I don't want to write here. So I won't. Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Unless I have something productive to write, then that will be written instead.

But I was thinking of bitching and revealing my hexes of life. Or my hex in a nutshell, all of the reasons I don't think life is worth living in a nutshell. But who wants to hear that? That's negative. And I don't want to put myself in a negative mood. Besides there are countless reasons why life IS worth living. The problem is those reasons only get about 20% of my time. 20%, that's a really poor fail if you're grading. But I won't go into specifics. I'm in a good mood right now believe it or not. I'm in that 20%!

All right, back to my positive Gumpish life affirming story!

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