Tuesday, October 6, 2009

LIW&B Chapter 4 (Opening)

Mel Stotch was no gourmet chef, but could cook well when he wanted to put forth the effort. Mel could grill burgers. He ate a lot of burgers, almost as many as boloney sandwiches. Sometimes he spent the effort on his specialty, Beer Can Chicken, his traditional birthday meal. Mel had a few recipes for chili, some with pork sausage and bacon, but that was too much fuss for a single old man. There was no reason to spend the money on a meal like that, not just for himself. Mel liked simple, burgers and baloney sandwiches. He didn't have much practice cooking for a child. Through trial and error and vomit they arrived at one masterpiece Happy grew to love as his favorite, pancakes.

Mel served pancakes with lots of syrup and butter and that's how Happy liked them. Mel had mixed up batter and flipped pancakes since he was a child. Many hungover mornings absorbed easier when the old man took the time. When he took the time, he took it very seriously.

"Ya gotta put your elbows into mixing this batter. No clumps or holes, keep it smooth," he would growl to his young son. And go easy on the flour! It's a pancake not a pansteak! If you can't cut it with the fork, it's not edible. Sometimes you pour some syrup on there and let it soak in to soften up. If you still can't cut it with the fork, send it back." Mel felt good to brag.

To Be Continued...... Sorry to cut so short but I'm starting to doze. I'll copy and paste to start over next time.

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