Tuesday, September 22, 2009

LIW&B Chapter 3

Mel sat still a long time watching the boy thinking hard and deep for the right thing to do. He was a selfish man by most standards, a drunk and a hermit who lived hidden away in a garbage dump, never bending to anyone's rules of conduct. Mel felt he had just not gotten in anybody's way. He kept to himself. There's nothing worse than getting in someone's way.
Happy napped pleasantly. The child was a born napper, a born bum, Mel thought. The old man raised his cheeks and scratched his chin. He envied the boy for his ability to sleep. Sleeping had become a luxury the old man sought and suffered. But watching the child had made him tired, sitting at the table in his dirty bachelor kitchen. Mel wasn't used to caring for another human being and found it to be awfully tiring work. But he liked the boy named Happy. He wanted him to be safe and healthy. He liked saying his name.
A wrap at the door. Mel almost forgot he called her. "Rosa?" he shouted through the paper thin walls.
"Yeah it's me," a cigarette calloused voice answered back.

That's all for now, I know it ain't much but it's already a rough week.

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