Monday, July 27, 2009

Two weeks?!!

Unbelievable! Two weeks with nothing!

Well, I did film a comedy clip but that only took away a weekend. Goddamn overtime at work. But I've still got to write. Well, two weeks is better than years. Why bitch when it's improvement?

But I've been thinking about it! I've been thinking a whole lot about writing!
So let's talk next story.

I'm thinking something positive, something uplifting. No dead Y'upik kids!
I want something Forrest Gumpy, heart tugging, life affirming. And I love Benjamin Button so I'd like something even Benjamin Buttony, which is actually quite Forrest Gumpy.

All right I've been thinking about some abandoned kid making good. He stays nice, decent. He doesn't hate everything. I hate lots of things, little things that happen every day, like getting gas or picking up dry cleaning. Or driving with other people on the road. But I don't want to hate these things. I want to be happy. It's hard for me to stay positive. I think about everything too much.

My character is going to be named Happy.
What title? Not something I need to decide now.
How about "Life is Warm and Buttery"

I love it! Maybe it will change but that's how we'll start.
"Life is Warm and Buttery" with Happy Munroe. That last name might change too.

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