Thursday, May 28, 2009

Title and Outline

OK I've basically figured out the story.
1st scene of home sinking - finished.
2nd scene is flashback of Henry meeting his Boss.
3rd scene in home and Henry sees guy he hasn't seen in 20 years.
4th scene flashback of Henry's arrival in Alaska and meeting his new Boss.
5th scene in home and Henry sees more people from the past, begins to get happy.
6th scene flashback of Henry's orders to move to Newtok.
7th scene in home and Henry dies surrounded by "friends" from his past.

And the title, unless something better comes to me, is The Last Sinking Ship

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

OK, here's another possible angle, Henry involved in crime? maybe hiding in Alaska? Or condemned to Alaska?
That's dated by usually crime just gets worse.

Big thaw article with picture of house fallen in sea:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Facts & Research

I wanted to get some facts straight before writing down the story I have.
The following is from:

Glaciers compose about five percent of the land area of Alaska. Monitoring their behavior provides clues about climate conditions and is vital to protecting public safety. Glaciers and ice covered volcanoes have the potential of forming lakes by ice dams. The failure of these ice dams cause glacial outburst floods or jökulhlaups that can threaten life and property. The Municipality of Skagway and National Park Service conducted an aerial survey of glaciers in northern Lynn Canal in Southeast Alaska during the summer of 2007. The retreat of glaciers located within the Borough during the last thirty years was striking.

jökulhlaups might need to be part of the story


According to a 2007 study of glaciers in southeast Alaska and western Canada using aerial and spatial data, glacier surface elevations have dropped in over 95% of the area analyzed from 1948 to 2000. Some of the measured glaciers had thinned by as much as 640 meters

Newtok Alaska suffered severe permafrost melting and had to be relocated:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Let's Get it Started

This is something I'm considering submitting to a contest. Let's see how it turns out.

Not sure of a title yet.

Henry sat looking down at his boots in the water. His pants darkened with moisture just below the knees. He was sitting on an overturned bucket, certainly the only reason it hadn't taken afloat. The water hovered just above ice, just a phase of a phase above solid ice mass. But human skin couldn't tell the difference. Henry couldn't tell the difference. Henry had paid seventy eight dollars for these so called protective boots. Even as his feet entered the initial stages of hypothermia he grumbled about this ripoff and injustice.
The old man had held out a long time. Hell, you couldn't say he didn't get his money's worth. Ol' Henry hid in his beloved trailer for twenty two years. Oh how he thought he had won and now that everything closed and squeezed itself empty perhaps he could be called a winner. Life wove calmly through his concerns. Watching arctic waves over a six month afternoon brings peace to any soul, well worth the price of the highest celebrity of therapist. And a six month night made him worship the sun. Henry had pulled together his humanity during his time in Arctic.
But now his trailer was sinking, knee deep in the Arctic Sea. The old man had backed it to the edge of his property. Mother Nature pulled it out by the soggy drowned roots. Henry swore he would die here. The opportunity to honor such a pledge had arrived.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Testing 123

Not spending much time right now. Just wanted to get established, set up, in my comfort zone. I'm ver big on preparation almost to an obsession. I hate actually doing things so I try to make it as easy as possible by over preparing which is what this intro blog is. I certainly don't have to have an intro blog. I don't give a shit if anyone else reads this. I prefer they don't. Fuck 'em!

OK, I'm getting carried away. I'm outta here. I'll be back as a former hero used to say.